Koor: Cantorij Apeldoorn
Celebrant: ds. Willem van 't Spijker
Muzikale leiding: Maurits Bunt
Orgel: Harald Bunt
Organ voluntary
Psalm: 32
First reading: Jesaja 38,1-6
Second reading: Lucas 18,31-43
Nunc dimittis:
Organ voluntary:
let op: gewijzigde locatie!
Locatie: Grote Kerk
Kerkbrink, Hilversum
Koor: kamerkoor AKKOORD Hilversum
Celebrant: ds. Christine van den End-Kranenborg (geestelijk verzorger Tergooi)
Muzikale leiding: Gilles Michels
Orgel: Arno Rog
Introit: Peace I leave with you (Beach)
Preces: Ayleward
Psalm: 67
First reading: Jesaja 61,1-9
Magnificat: Magnificat in G (Herbert Sumsion)
Second reading: Lucas 4,14-21
Nunc dimittis: Nunc dimittis in G (Herbert Sumsion)
Responses: Ayleward
Anthem: Cantate Domino (Miškinis)
Hymns: Caton, St. Clement (Scholefield)
Voluntary: 'Processional' (Grayston Ives)
Koor: koor Choral Evensong Hilversum
Celebrant: ds. Oane Reitsma
Muzikale leiding: Cees van de Poel
Orgel: Arno Rog
Introit: Unser lieben Frauen Traum (Reger)
Voluntary Flor Peeters
Preces: Ayleward
Psalm: 25
First reading: Jesaja 40,1-11
Magnificat: Parker, in E major
Second reading: Matteüs 24,32-35
Nunc dimittis: Parker, in E major
Responses: Ayleward
Anthem: Jesu, the very thought of Thee (Bairstow)
Hymns: Helmsley, Von Gott will ich nicht lassen
Voluntary: Fanfare 'Helmsley' (Portman)
Koor: Koor Choral Evensong Hilversum
Celebrant: ds. Annemieke Parmentier-Blankert
Muzikale leiding: Cees van der Poel
Orgel: Arno Rog
Introit: God so loved the world, John Goss
Preces: Ayleward
Psalm: 130 (Crotch)
First reading: Ezechiël 33,10-11
Magnificat: Ireland C major
Second reading: Matteüs 18,21-35
Nunc dimittis: Ireland C major
Responses: Ayleward
Anthem: Thou knowest Lord, Purcell
Voluntary: Intrada uit Miniature Suite for Organ
Hymns: Corvedale, Straf mich nicht
Koor: koor Choral Evensong Hilversum
Celebrant: ds. Heleen Weimar
Muzikale leiding: Cees van de Poel
Orgel: Richard Vos
Introit: Let my prayer come up (John Blow)
Preces: Ayleward
Psalm: 122 (Atkins)
First reading: Deuteronomium 6,4-9
Magnificat: Whiting in A major
Second reading: Matteüs 22,34-46
Nunc dimittis: Whiting in A major
Responses: Ayleward
Anthem: How calmly the evening (Edward Elgar)
Hymns: Richmond, St Columba
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