23 februari 2023
Aanvang: 19.30 uur, deuren open om 19.15 uur
Toegang gratis, vrijwillige bijdrage
Kamerkoor Revoce
Muzikale leiding:
Nedyalka Todorova
Celebrant: ds. Willem Nijsse (Hervormde wijkgemeente Diependaalse kerk)
Elske te Lindert
Introit: That is the message we preach (Jeremy Rawson)
Voluntary: Voluntary VII in G, (William Goodwin)
Preces: William Smith
Psalm: 91 (Alcock)
First reading: Jesaja 58,1-9
Magnificat: Magnificat uit de Services in g Z. 231 (Purcell)
Second reading: Matteüs 4,1-11
Nunc dimittis: Nunc dimittis uit de Services in g Z. 231, Purcell
Responses: William Smith
Anthem: Teach me O lord (William Byrd)
Voluntary: bewerking over lied 248 (Kees van Eersel)

23 maart 2023
Amersfoortse Cantorij
Muzikale leiding:
Bas Ramselaar
Celebrant: ds. Willem van ’t Spijker
Henk van Zonneveld
Introit: Lord, for thy tender mercy’s sake (Richard Farrant)
Voluntary: Voluntary in G, Z720 (H. Purcell)
Preces: t Sytze de Vries (*1945) | m Bas Ramselaar (*1961)
Psalm: Psalm 43
First reading: Jeremia 31,31-34
Magnificat: Magnificat (Morley)
Second reading: Johannes 12,20-36
Nunc dimittis: Nunc dimittis (Morley)
Responses: t Sytze de Vries (*1945) | m Bas Ramselaar (*1961)
Anthem: Thou knowest, Lord, the secrets of our hearts (H. Purcell)
Voluntary: Praeludium & fuga in A, BWV 536 (J.S. Bach)
20 april 2023
Koor: The New Baroque Singers
Celebrant: ds. Oane Reitsma
Muzikale leiding: Piet Philipse
Orgel: Gert-Jan Mostert
Introit: View me Lord (Richard Lloyd)
Voluntary: n.n.b.
Preces: William Smith
Psalm: 33 Exultate Justi (Carpenter)
First reading: Ezechiël 34,11-16
Magnificat: Charles Wood in D
Second reading: Johannes 10,11-16
Nunc dimittis: Charles Wood in D
Responses: William Smith
Anthem: Sei Lob und Preis mit Ehren BWV 231 (Bach)
Voluntary: n.n.b.

25 mei 2023
Kamerkoor Vocaliber
Muzikale leiding:
Richard Vos
Celebrant: ds. Annemieke Parmentier-Blankert
Cees-Willem van Vliet
Introit: If ye love me (Tallis)
Preces: P. Radcliffe
Psalm: 68
First reading: Joël 2,21-32
Magnificat: Collegium Regale (Howells)
Second reading: Handelingen 2,1-11
Nunc dimittis: Collegium Regale (Howells)
Responses: P. Radcliffe
Anthem: The Spirit of the Lord, (Elgar)