Koor: kamerkoor AKKOORD uit Hilversum
Celebrant: pastor Wim Vlooswijk
Muzikale leiding: Cees van der Poel
Orgel: Arno Rog
Introit: Ubi caritas (Gjeilo)
Organ voluntary: Chant donné (Duruflé)
Preces: Ayleward
Psalm: 8
First reading: Jesaja 6,1-8
Magnificat: F minor/A flat major (Wood)
Second reading: Johannes 3,1-15
Nunc dimittis: F minor / A flat major (Wood)
Responses: Ayleward
Anthem: Geistliches Lied op. 30 (Brahms)
Hymns: Regent Square
Organ voluntary: Prelude VI (Hermann Schroeder)
Koor: het Vocaal Theologen Ensemble
Celebrant: ds. Erik van Halsema
Muzikale leiding: Hanna Rijken
Orgel: Arno Rog
Introit: A new commandment (Tallis)
Organ voluntary: Elegy (Healey Willan)
Preces: Ayleward
Psalm: 98 (Lawes)
First reading: Deuteronomium 6,20-25
Magnificat: Magnificat in B flat op. 10 (Stanford)
Second reading: Johannes 13,31-35
Nunc dimittis: Nunc dimittis in B flat op. 10 (Stanford)
Responses: Ayleward
Anthem: Come ye faitfull (Thatcher)
Hymns: Llangloffan
Organ voluntary: Preludium in C groot BWV 545, (J.S. Bach)
Koor: koor Choral Evensong Hilversum
Celebrant: pastoor Tjeerd Visser
Muzikale leiding: Cees van der Poel
Orgel: Richard Vos
Introit: God so loved the world (John Goss)
Organ voluntary
Preces: Richard Ayleward
Psalm: 24 (W. Crotch)
First reading: Zacharia 9,9-10
Magnificat: Magnificat in C (John Ireland)
Second reading: Marcus 11,1-11
Nunc dimittis: Nunc dimittis in C (John Ireland)
Responses: Richard Ayleward
Anthem: Thou knowest, Lord, the secrets of our hearts (Henry Purcell)
Hymns: De koning van de vrede, Ga voort, ga voort met majesteit
Organ voluntary
Koor: de Amersfoortse Cantorij
Celebrant: ds. Willem van 't Spijker
Muzikale leiding: Bas Ramselaar
Orgel: Maurits Bunt
Introit: Da pacem, Domine (Melchior Franck)
Organ voluntary
Preces: Bartók/Ramselaar
Psalm: 25 (Barnby)
First reading: Exodus 24,12-18
Magnificat: Magnificat in d (Walmisly)
Second reading: Matteüs 15,21-28
Nunc dimittis: Nunc dimittis in d (Walmisly)
Responses: Bartók/Ramselaar
Anthem: Lord, I trust in Thee (Händel, Brockes Passion)
Hymns: St. Clement, Het waren tien geboden
Organ voluntary: Chanson de Nuit, opus 15, nr. 1, Sir Edward Elgar
Koor: koor Choral Evensong Hilversum
Celebrant: ds. Oane Reitsma
Muzikale leiding: Cees van de Poel
Orgel: Arno Rog
Introit: Let my complaint (Batten)
Voluntary: Allegretto (Smart)
Preces: Ayleward
Psalm: 67 God be merciful unto us (S.S. Wesley)
First reading: Jesaja 25,6-9
Magnificat: Magnificat in F major (Smart)
Second reading: Matteüs 8,1-13
Nunc dimittis: Nunc dimittis in F major (Smart)
Responses: Ayleward
Anthem: Who trusts in God, a strong abode, BWV 72/6 (Bach)
Hymns: Tallis' canon, O Heer mijn God, ook deze nacht
Voluntary: Praeludium in G, BWV 568 (Bach)
Koor: koor Choral Evensong Hilversum
Celebrant: pastoor Marieke Ridder, geestelijk verzorger Tergooi
Muzikale leiding: Cees van de Poel
Orgel: Arno Rog
Introit: Blessed are the pure in heart (Davies)
Voluntary: Prelude in E flat major (Healey Willan)
Preces: Ayleward
Psalm: 50
First reading: Jesaja 65,17-25
Magnificat: Magnificat in E flat (Healey Willan)
Second reading: Matteüs 25,1-13
Nunc dimittis: Nunc dimittis in E flat (Healey Willan)
Responses: Ayleward
Anthem: Calm be our rest tonight (Sullivan)
Hymns: Garelochside, Moriah
Voluntary: Finale Jubilante in A major (Healey Willan)
Koor: kamerkoor Vocaliber
Celebrant: ds. Jetty Scheurwater
Muzikale leiding: Richard Vos
Orgel: Mattijs de Vreugd
Introit: O Lord, the maker of all thing (Mundy)
Preces: Radcliffe
Psalm: Psalm 138
First reading: Genesis 1,26-27
Magnificat: Magnificat uit Evening Service in D (Dyson)
Second reading: Matteüs 22,15-22
Nunc dimittis: Nunc dimittis uit Evening Service in D (Dyson)
Responses: Radcliffe
Anthem: Turn back o Man (Gustav Holst)
Koor: koor Choral Evensong Hilversum
Celebrant: ds. Heleen Weimar
Muzikale leiding: Cees van de Poel
Orgel: Arno Rog
Introit: Let my prayer come up (John Blow)
Voluntary: Fanfare (Willam Mathias)
Preces: Ayleward
Psalm: 78
First reading: Jeremia 8,4-9
Magnificat: Magnificat in B flat (Service no. 3) (Stainer)
Second reading: Matteüs 9,1-8
Nunc dimittis: Nunc dimittis in B flat (Service no. 3) (Stainer)
Responses: Ayleward
Anthem: Locus iste (Bruckner)
Voluntary: fuga in e, BWV 533 (Bach)
Hymns: Surrey en Rockingham
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